Most of the professional development courses on this site offer Continuing Education Units for teacher relicensure.

In order to receive CEUs, follow these steps:

1) Complete all course items. This includes all lessons, Power Point slideshows, posting in forums if that is assigned in the lessons, quizzes, etc.

2) Complete and submit the course assignment. The course assignment documents your understanding of the information included in the course. Course assignments vary from course to course, but always focus on leading you to apply new information to your own teaching situation. Specifics for how to submit the assignment are included in each course.

3) The course software will generally alert the instructor that you have completed the course assignment. However, most of our instructors have many responsibilities; instructing online is just one small piece of their jobs. In many cases they set aside a single day each week to read and respond to online coursework. If you need a response sooner than that (for example, your application for relicensure is due very soon), feel free to contact the instructor by email or phone.

4) After the instructor reviews your coursework and assignment and finds it satisfactory, he or she will email you a CEU certificate as a PDF document. The instructor will generally also provide feedback on your assignment, and may in some cases require revisions if he/she deems that the assignment objectives were not met. (Note: If you cannot receive document attachments by email, you may contact the instructor with your mailing address to request a paper copy.)

5) If you have not received your CEU certificate within 10 days of submitting your course assignment, you may contact the course instructor or the site administrator ( for assistance.

Last modified: Thursday, 25 February 2016, 2:01 PM